The Enterprise Settings is only available to users that are designated as Enterprise Administrator(s). It allows an Administrator to the following information:
The Enterprise User List displays a list of all the users allowed to use the network, their email address and their role. A user can be either an Administrator or a Regular User. This tab allows a user to Add, Edit, Delete, Move (Up or Down), and Print User List.
The Enterprise Jobs & Projects Tab allows a user to create New Job Default Settings, enable Customer/Supplier Sourcing Business Rules, and set New Project Default Settings.
The Enterprise Lists & Labels Tab allows a user to create Customized Option Lists and Customized Field Labels.
The Enterprise Messages & Terms Tab allows the user to create default Email Messages (for RFQ, Job Awards, Bid Declined, Job Order), Purchase Order (Top Advisory Note and Main Terms & Conditions), Proposals (Inroductory Note and Terms & Conditions), Invoices (Introductory Note and Terms & Conditions), Prepress, and Shipping Notes.
The Enterprise Files & Locks tab allows the administrator to see which files are set under a User Lock and if a lock can be safely removed.
The Enterprise Settings Window has the following menus.
The Enterprise Menu allows the administrator to Transfer Data Files.
The Configure Menu allows the administrator to access:
The Help Menu includes links to Enterprise Settings Help, display the Start Up Tip, and Email P3Support.
The Enterprise User List displays a list of all the users allowed to use the network, their email address and their role. A user can be either an Administrator or a Regular User.
A Regular User only sees the list of network users. An Administrator will see a row of five buttons under the Enterprise User List. Only Administrators are allowed to edit this list. The buttons are labeled:
This window controls the Enterprise settings for Job and Projects. It allows an administrator to set default settings for New Jobs or Proejcts and set Customer/Supplier Sourcing Business Rules.
An administrator user can set New Job Default Settings. This includes the ability to select the Default Cost Break-Out. The administrator can select a saved RFQ Cost Breakout Structure that will then be used for all new jobs within that organization. Specifically, the options for Paper-Ink/Freight or Total-Mailing are available.
The administrator also can turn on or off Shipping Spec: Shot Total On/Off and Job Orders: Show Customer Accounting Code.
Additionally, this is where the administrator can Adjust Automatic Numbering. There is more information on Automatic Numbering here.
This allows an administrator to Enable Customer/Supplier Business Rules. The administrator can further enable three business rules:
The Lists & Labels Tab of the Enterprise Settings Window allows an administrator to create Customized Option Lists and Customized Field Labels.
If a user double clicks on an Option on the Customized Option Lists pane, this opens an Enterprise Option List Manager window. The user can then add, delete, move up, move down, revert, or restore default for that Lists options.
The Administrator can edit the field labels, by double clicking on the Field type that they want to edit. A user can edit the name in a by merely typing into the list. If the user wants to reset the value to the default system value, you just need to leave the field blank.
The Messages & Terms tab within the Enterprise Settings window allows the adminsitrator to set default messages for emails, purchase orders, proposals, invoices, and notes on prepress and shipping.
File Locks are a good thing. They mean that a file is in use by someone. The lock prevents other users from modifying the data while the lock owner is editing the data. The most common type of lock is the "User lock" which is created when a user starts up P3Source. This prevents other users modifying the user's settings information while they are using P3Source. It also prevents a user from running two concurrent P3Source sessions. For more information on File Locking go to File Locks.
This is a list of the various lock types:
The Current Locks displays a list of all the active P3Source file locks. The name of the lock and the date and time it was created is displayed for each lock. Under the lock list are a couple of buttons labeled Refresh and Unlock.
CAUTION: Care should be exercised when deciding to remove a lock. Normally a lock should never need to be removed unless something unexpected occurs. For example, crash on a users system while P3Source is running, will leave any locks the user created in place. These would need to be removed manually or overridden.
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This Window allows an administrator to set automatic job numbering but checking this option. If this is checked, the user can then set the Index (or next number in the sequence), the maximum job number size, and the option to fill to Max Size with Leading Zeros.
It is accessed for Enterprise Administrators through Enterprise Settings / Jobs & Projects Tab / Adjust Automatic Numbering Button.
The P3Source system contains features that allow Enterprise Administrators to add their company logos or other graphics to printed reports and emails produced by the system and the supplier response page hosted by the P3Source system. There are six different graphic images which can be added to the system by the user:
The Enterprise Logo Manager window lets Administrators import images to customize certain P3Source printed reports. To display this window, click on the Global menu / "Enterprise Settings" menu item / Configure menu / "Logo Images" menu item.
There are currently four different types of report images that are basically displayed as banners at the top of certain rerports. Clicking on the Manage button will display a dropdown list of image management functions:
Only images of type GIF or JPEG can be used. If JPEG is used, the file extension must be JPG.
The dimensions for each image are displayed below the Manage button. These dimensions are enforced when the report is previewed or printed. If an image is smaller or larger, the image is stretched or shrunk to fit. It is highly recommended that the images have a 300 DPI resolution.