Logging on to the P3 System

P3 System On-Line Access

The P3 system is a fully web-enabled on-line service. Customers can access the system through the "User Login" page on the P3Software web site.

Step 1: Enter your Email Address

This initial login page (above) has 3 controls:

  • The Email text-box (required), which collects the user's email address.
  • The Remember Me check-box (optional), if checked the user's email address will be saved for future visits to this page.
  • The Login button, which submits the email address for verification.
    • If an invalid email address is submitted, the user will be forwarded to an error page.
    • If a valid but unregistered email address is submitted, the user will be forwarded to our 30-day demonstration page.

If a valid registered email address is submitted the user will see the page below.

Step 2: Accept Launcher File and Run it.

  1. Accept: When the P3Source Launch Link page (above) opens, the user will receive a prompt about downloading a file called "p3source.jnlp".
  • This file should be allowed to downloaded.
  • Different browsers handle downloaded files differently. See examples below.
  1. Run: After the "p3source.jnlp" downloads. The user should launch it by double clicking on the file.
  • If the local computer does not have Java installed, they will get an Error Message. Instructions
  • If the Java Web Start application is improperly configured, the JNLP file may trigger another application (usually Acrobat or Internet Explorer) which will try to launch it and generate an Error Message. instructions
  • On Apple OSX Computers, the user will receive a security prompt that will need to be handled through the OSX System Preferences. instructions
  • See the "Handling Start Up Issues" section at the bottom of this page.

If no issues are encountered the Java Web Start application will start the launching process.

The run process will first download any application file updates that are necessary. The first time the application is used on a computer this process will take a little bit of time.

Step 3: Allow the P3Source application to run.

After the updates the Java System will request your permission to run the P3Source application. This is an important security measure built into the Java system.

Step 4: Enter your Password.

Once the Application starts the user will be prompted to enter their password and proceed with the start up process.

  • If the user enters an invalid password they will see an error message.
  • The most common Password problem is having the CAPS-LOCK on by mistake.

If the Password is accepted the user will see the loading progress window below.

Once completed, you are officially logged in and ready to use the P3 system. See below.

Saving the P3Source Launcher

The P3Source Launcher file (p3expeditor.jnlp) is re-usable.

  • It can be saved to their computer's desktop or other convenient location.
  • If saved, users do not need to generate a new launcher file to start the P3Source system.
  • It can be re-used as many times as desired.

Handling Start Up Issues

Installing Java:

  • Installing Java on Windows (2:15 minutes)

  • Installing Java on Mac (1:20 minutes)

  • Go to https://openwebstart.com to get a free copy of the Java Web Start system.

  • Click the download button and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Fixing Java Web Start (Windows Only):

  • Locate the p3expeditor.jnlp file in your downloads folder or other location.
  • Right-click on it and select the "Open with..." menu item.
  • Select "Choose Another App"
  • Check the "Always use this app to open .jnlp files" box.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the list of applications and select the "Look for another App on this PC" option.
  • Find and select the Java Web Start application. It is located at this path:
    • "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_251\bin\javaws.exe"

Apple OSX Security:

  • Instructional Video (3:05 minutes)

  • On Apple OSX Computers the first time the p3expeditor.jnlp file is used an extra security step is triggered.

  • The user will receive a security prompt saying that the application is from an unknown developer (i.e. not sold through the Apple App Store).

  • To bypass the restriction (pay wall) do the following:

    1. Open the OSX System Preferences.
    2. Select the "Security & Privacy" preferences icon.
    3. Locate and Click on the "Allow Anyway" button.
    4. The Java Web Start application will then start.
  • We recommend saving and reusing the p3expeditor.jnlp launcher file on Apple OSX.

    • It is convenient to have the launcher on your desktop.
    • The "Allow Anyway" process is only required once for each file.
    • Reusing an approved file is more convenient than Allowing each new launcher generated from the P3Software web site.

Resetting your Password by email:

  • If the user has lost their password there is a convenient "Send Password Reset Email" link in the Authentication window.
  • This will send an email message to the user's email address with a Password reset link that can be used to reset your password.